We attach great importance to the protection of your personal data and work daily to ensure its security and confidentiality.

Thus, the present privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") describes how Gallenn handles your personal data.

It applies from the moment we process personal data concerning you collected during your browsing on our website accessible at www.iconixsociety.com.

We inform you that the Privacy Policy may be modified at any time. If We change it, We will post the revised version here, with an updated revision date.

How We Collect Your Personal Data?

We collect your personal data in the following two ways:

Either, directly from you, when you freely communicate to Us, i.e. when you actively provide Us with your personal data on the Site (for example when you create an online account or place an order or when you contact customer service);

Either indirectly and automatically via your navigation traces on our Site. This collection is not systematic, but the acceptance of cookies by you may, for example, allow Us to collect your IP address.

What data do We process?

We collect the following information:

Contact data and data relating to your marital status:


First name,

Postal address for invoicing and delivery,

E-mail address,

Phone number.

Data relating to your means of payment :

Data relating to the bank card used for a transaction;

Identification of your PayPal account. 

Data relating to your orders:

Content of your order;

products ordered. 

Data relating to our interactions:

Content/summary of our interactions when you contact our customer service. - This data may include a copy of the message that you have sent Us, a note that We may fill in to indicate the content of our exchanges or the action taken following a complaint, for example. 

Connection data

We collect certain information through log files and cookies. This is mainly the following information:

IP address

Operating system

Visited pages and queries

Time and day of connection

Why We Process Your Data

We collect your Personal Data for :

Manage our commercial relationship, in particular to ensure the follow-up of orders and purchases, manage inquiries, provide after-sales service, process payments and invoicing;

Improve your customer experience, including analyzing the performance and audience of our Site;

Communicate with you via our newsletter or newsletters to inform you of the arrival of new collections;

Propose promotional offers, including the sending of targeted advertising based on your consumption patterns;

To prevent and deter fraud;

Carry out loyalty operations;

To produce statistics.

How do We ensure the security of your Data?

We take the best precautions to maintain a high degree of security of your Data and to ensure its confidentiality and integrity.

This is why We have put in place the following measures:

Our Site is secured notably through the use of a TLS protocol;

We carry out regular computer backups to prevent any risk of loss or damage;

We have put in place a Data access authorization policy so that only authorized persons can access your Personal Data. Access is further secured by a strong Username and Password.

We install Firewalls in all of our environments;

All of our staff are aware of the protection and security of your Personal Data and are subject to a confidentiality agreement;

We have installed means to protect our premises and servers.

Who has access to your personal data?

Your personal data is strictly confidential.

Can, within the limits of their respective attributions and subject to a commitment of confidentiality, have access to your personal data:

The persons in charge of the marketing department, the sales department, the departments in charge of handling customer relations and canvassing, the administrative departments, the logistics and IT departments and their line managers;

Our sub-contractors, in particular those responsible for hosting and maintenance of our information system and our Site, as well as those responsible for all or part of the operations required to carry out your orders. External service providers include: any payment portal, companies in charge of transporting and delivering orders.

However, we inform you that when you are redirected outside the www.iconixsociety.com site, We are no longer responsible for the data you share and additional conditions may apply. We invite you to check the conditions imposed by third party sites.

How long do We keep your personal data?

We are particularly attached to the respect of your private life and to the respect of the Regulations.

To this end, We process your Data only for the strict time necessary.

As part of the management of our commercial relations, your Data is kept for the entire period of our contractual relationship, in particular until the expiry of your guarantees. Beyond this period, your Data is archived and is kept until the expiry of the time limits set out in the applicable legal provisions. As an exception, your Payment Data are no longer kept once the transaction has been completed and the legal deadlines for reimbursement have expired (with the exception of the cryptogram of a bank card which is deleted as soon as the transaction is validated). However, with your agreement, information relating to your means of payment may be kept to facilitate your future purchases until the period of validity of your means of payment expires. On this point, We inform you that you always have the possibility to manually delete information relating to a registered card.

Our communication and commercial solicitation operations are continued for a period of 3 years after our last contact. However, you have the possibility to unsubscribe from our mailing lists via the unsubscribe links contained in our e-mails.

As part of improving your online customer experience We use your Login Information for a rolling period of no more than 13 months.

Concerning the management of your online customer account, it is maintained as long as you do not ask Us to delete it. In any case, any online customer account that has remained inactive for 12 consecutive months will be deleted unless you request otherwise.

In general, beyond these retention periods, We may archive your data for evidentiary purposes only and in strict compliance with legal requirements.

What is the legal basis for the processing of your Data?

The management of our business relationship is necessary for the execution of your order;

Our non-commercial communication operations, statistical analysis and processing for the purpose of fighting fraud are necessary to pursue our legitimate interest in promoting our business and ensuring its security while respecting your privacy;

Our commercial solicitation operations are necessary for the pursuit of our legitimate interest, which is economic, and are carried out in strict compliance with the regulations in force (in particular Article L.34-5 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code). On the other hand, if you are not already one of our customers, We will only process your Personal Data for commercial purposes with your consent.

The analysis of the performance and audience of our Site is only done with your consent when you accept the deposit of cookies.

However, concerned about the security and confidentiality of your data, We inform you that in the event that your data is transferred outside the EU, we undertake to subject all our service providers to an obligation of confidentiality and to ensure that all possible transfers are made to the destination :

Either from a country recognized by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protection;

Or from a US company that complies with the principles of the Privacy shield;

Or to a country that does not offer adequate protection but whose transfer has been governed by the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission, which the CNIL has previously recognized as ensuring an adequate level of protection of privacy and fundamental rights of individuals.

The quality of the recipient of your data ;

The country in which the recipient is located;

The reasons why your data is being transferred (for example in the case of hosting on remote servers);

The legal guarantees that govern this transfer

What are your rights?

In accordance with the Regulations, you have the right to access, rectify and - if there is a legitimate reason - to oppose the processing of your Data. You may exercise these rights, for example by asking Us to rectify, complete or update them.

You also have the right to limit and make your Data portable under the conditions provided for by the Regulation.

We remind you that, in accordance with the Regulation, your right to portability only applies to data that you have directly provided to Us on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract entered into. Moreover, it only applies if your data is processed in an automated way (our possible paper files are therefore not concerned).

Finally, you also have the right to issue instructions regarding the fate of your data after your death.

To exercise these rights or if you have any questions about the processing of your data, you may write to Us, providing proof of your identity, at the following address

Postal address : 


O&S Mediacom

5-7 Avenue du General De Gaulle

94180 Saint Mandé - France

Email: contact@gallenn.com

In accordance with the Regulations, in order to exercise your rights you must prove your identity.


If you have any questions, please Contact Us at :

Email: contact@gallenn.com

This Privacy Policy was last updated on January 23, 2020.

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